Friday, 9 January 2015

Think and Grow Rich Summary - Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Imagination – The Workshop of the Mind

1.       Happiness is found in doing, not merely in possessing.
2.      The impulse, the desire, is given shape, form and action through the aid of the imaginative faculty of the mind.
3.      Man’s only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination.
4.      The imagination faculty functions in 2 forms, namely “synthetic imagination” and “creative imagination”.
5.      Synthetic imagination – (1) arrange old concepts, ideas or plans into new combinations, (2) creates nothing, and (3) works with the material of experience, education and observation with which it is fed.
6.      Creative imagination – (1) the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence, (2) the faculty where hunches and inspirations are received, and (3) all basic or new ideas are handed over to man.
7.       It is through the creative imagination faculty that thought vibrations from the minds of others are received. It is through this faculty that one individual may tune in, or communicate with the subconscious minds of other men.
8.     This faculty functions only when the conscious mind is vibrating at an exceedingly rapid rate, as for example, when the conscious mind is stimulated through the emotion of a strong desire.
9.      Both kinds of imagination are equally valuable to you!
10.  Give your imagination some exercise à your imagination faculty may have become weak through inaction; it can be revived and made alert through use.
11.   Transformation of the intangible impulse, of desire, into the tangible reality, of money, calls for the use of a plan or plans. These plans must be formed with the aid of the imagination.
12.  R2A2 formula by Clement Stone: Recognize and Relate, Assimilate and Apply. If you do that with everything you see, hear, think, and experience, it will give you a new way of looking at familiar things. If you do that, you can achieve what others believe is impossible.
13.  Carry out the instructions best suited to your needs; reduce your plan to writing, if you have not already done so. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given a concrete form to the intangible desire.
14.  Imagination is like a muscle that can be strengthened through use. Just as there are specific exercises that will build and improve physical muscles, specific exercises have been developed to improve and built imagination, and it is commonly accepted that creativity developed in one area will affect your creativity in others.
15.   This earth, every one of the billions of individual cells of your body and every atom of matter, began as an intangible form of energy.
16.  Desire is thought impulse! Thought impulses are forms of energy. When you begin with the thought impulse, desire, to accumulate money, you are drafting into your service the same stuff that Nature used in creating this earth and every material form in the universe, including the body and brain in which the thought impulses function.
17.   Everything from the stars to the solar system to the earth to you, your brain, and that little spark called a thought are all the same “stuff”.
18.  You (matter), your thoughts (energy), and everybody else (matter) and their thoughts (energy) and all other things (matter) are not just interconnect but are in essence all the same thing.
19.  This interrelation of everything to everything else is called Infinite Intelligence.
20. Infinite Intelligence is the source of hunches, intuition and flashes of inspiration.
21.  The subconscious mind is the connection with Infinite Intelligence.
22. Creative imagination is the receiver through which these flashes of insight come to us from Infinite Intelligence.
23. Because everything is a part of everything else, your creative imagination (energy) pulled the thought (energy) directly from the common pool of Infinite Intelligence (energy) that contains not just your subconscious (energy) but all other subconscious minds (energy) as well.
24.  The entire universe consists of 2 elements – matter and energy.
25.  Through the combination of energy and matter, has been created everything perceptible to man, from the largest star which floats in the heavens, down to and including man, himself.
26. You are now engaged in the task of trying to profit by Nature’s method. You are sincerely and earnestly trying to adapt yourself to Nature’s laws, by endeavoring to convert Desire into its physical or monetary equivalent.
27.  You can do it! It has been done before!
28. By first, you must become familiar with these laws, and learn to use them. Through repetition, and by approaching the description of these principles from every conceivable angle, the author hopes to reveal to you the secret through which every great fortune has been accumulated.
29. Assimilate that which you understand, as you read this philosophy for the first time, then when you reread and study it, you will discover that something has happened to clarify it, and give you a broader understanding of the whole.
30. The only limitation is that which one steps up in one’s own mind.
31.  If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty alone will bring riches, perish the thought! It is not true.
32. Riches when they come in huge quantities are never the result of hard work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck.
33. All master salesmen knew that ideas can be sold where merchandise cannot. Ordinary salesmen do not know this – this is why they are “ordinary”.
34. There is no standard price on ideas. The creator of ideas makes his own price, and if he is smart, gets it.
35.  The story of practically every great fortune starts with the day when a creator of ideas and a seller of ideas got together and worked in harmony.
36. Example: Carnegie surrounded himself with men who could do all that he could not do.
37.  First you give life and action and guidance to ideas, and then they take on power of their own and sweep aside all opposition.
38. Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust.

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