Friday, 9 January 2015

Think and Grow Rich Summary - Chapter 13

Chapter 13: The Brain – Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought

1.       Every human brain is both broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought.
2.      Every human brain is capable of picking up vibration of thought which are being released by other brains.
3.      The Creative Imagination is the receiving set of the brain, which receives thoughts, released by the brains of other.
4.      It is the agency of communication between one’s conscious, or reasoning mind, and the 4 sources from which one may receive thought stimuli.
5.      When stimulated, or “stepped-up” to a high rate of vibration, the mind becomes more receptive to the vibration of thought which reaches it through the ether from outside sources.
6.      This “stepping-up” process takes place through the positive emotions, or the negative emotions.
7.      Vibrations of an exceedingly high rate are the only vibrations picked up and carried, by the ether, from one brain to another.
8.     Thought is energy traveling at an exceedingly high rate of vibration.
9.      The entire procedure begins with desire.
10.  When under the effect of strong emotion the more powerful you can send thoughts.
11.   When under the effect of strong emotion, the more receptive you are to receiving thoughts.
12.  When you send thoughts, to where do you send them? You send them to your subconscious by using auto-suggestion.
13.  When you receive thoughts, where do they come from? The come from you subconscious and you receive them through your creative imagination.
14.  Infinite Intelligence is the medium through which you receive thoughts from other brains.
15.   Hill use Infinite Intelligence to describe the basic law of physics: Because everything in the universe is either time, space, energy or matter, and matter is just energy in different form, then everything is actually different parts of the same thing. This means that your subconscious mind (energy) has a common base with every other subconscious mind (energy).
16.  The thoughts from other brains are what we refer to as intuition, hunches, déjà vu and foreknowledge.
17.   All of us are controlled by forces which are unseen and intangible.
18.  The greatest forces are intangible à perhaps we shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the other self is more powerful than the physical self we see when we look into a mirror.

19.  Psychologist Carl Jung called the intangible connection the collective unconscious (also called the universal subconscious). Others call it the Totally Unified Theory, the Great First Cause, the Universal Mind, or Spirit and some see it as another way of describing God. Napoleon Hill calls it Infinite Intelligence and offers a common-sense explanation that allows you to work with the phenomenon even if it is not completely understood.

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