Kamal Medical Bookstore |
Kamal Medical Bookstore is the 1 of 2 largest medical bookstore that supplies complete variety of medical textbooks and medical instruments in Malaysia. Another largest medical bookstore should be Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM). However, most people will choose to go Kamal Medical Bookstore because is more convenient in transportation. You can only reach PPUM by driving, but you can
reach Kamal Bookstore by LRT or Monorail too. To see how to take public transport to Kamal Medical Bookstore,
Click Here.
Inside Kamal Bookstore |
The above picture shows inside of Kamal Medical Bookstore. So you can imagine how wide varieties of medical books available in it already. The price of books sold in Kamal Medical Bookstore is also cheaper because they get the government contract.
How to contact the store online? The email is not valid anymore.